Saturday, March 28, 2015

How to Write a Book

Hey Guys, and Welcome Back!

It's hard writing books, you know that much. You've been searching the Internet for hours, just trying to find some new information. That is, until you come here. I've finally figured out the 10 secrets to writing, and you are in luck, because I'm sharing them with you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

DIY Art Travel Case Review

Hey Guys, and Welcome Back!

Being an urban artist is hard. You have to have all the materials in one place, but in such a way that you can easily take it out and put it away again. There are many different portable cases for your supplies, but they cost so much! I wouldn't exactly want to pay forty dollars, especially if I figured out a way to make one for only fourteen dollars, with stuff around the house.

Friday, March 20, 2015

50 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Hey Guys, and Welcome Back!

     I like to be surprised from time to time. And I don't mean like "scared" surprised, but you know that moment when you're just mind blown from a factoid? Well, I sure do, and to share that "aha!" feeling, I present you a fifty item list that will make your head explode.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

First Chapter Cliches

Hey Guys, and Welcome Back!


      Do you ever feel like this lady when you read a book? If I find a new book I would like to read, I usually go to a library first. This way, if I truly like it then I would go to a bookstore and pay for it, and if I really hated it, then I would happy dance that it was free.
      Most of the time I stop at the first chapter. Why? Well, it's too cliche, and by the time I'm done with the first page, I know what's going to happen next. If you are an author (like I am) you really need to know how to hook people, and how to bore people. 
  So, I made a small list of the top first chapter cliches.

Friday, March 6, 2015

20 Things To Do When You're Bored

Hey Guys and Welcome Back! 

     Honestly, what should you do when you're bored? Have you checked Twitter? Yes. How about YouTube? Yes. We have all done these things, and even though these sites are supposed to provide entertainment, we tend to become bored from them.   
      Being a simple-minded blogger, I've composed a 20 item list on what to do when you're bored.